Big Sister Josie

True stories, Real people: Illustrated animations to ensure confidentiality. Three years ago, Josie joined Big Brothers Big Sisters with the hope of making a meaningful connection within her community. She wanted to build a bond with a family looking for additional support and guidance outside their immediate circle. At the same time, she saw mentorship [...]
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In-School Mentor: Andy

True stories, Real people: Illustrated animations to ensure confidentiality. Shortly after moving to Barrie, Andy was inspired to get involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters. A curling event hosted by BBBS and a booth at his company’s open house introduced him to the program, and he began the process of registering as a mentor. Motivated [...]
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Big Sister Emma

True stories, Real people: Illustrated animations to ensure confidentiality. Emma was drawn to Big Brothers Big Sisters by a desire to make a positive difference in her community and in the life of a young person. She believes every child deserves a caring adult role model who can provide encouragement and guidance. For Emma, mentorship [...]
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George and Gab

True stories, Real people: Illustrated animations to ensure confidentiality. In 2015, George began what would become a life-changing journey with his Little Brother, Gab. Now in their ninth year as a Big Brother match, their bond has endured through many changes in both of their lives. This lasting relationship is a testament to their mutual [...]
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Tracey – Big Sister

True stories, Real people: Illustrated animations to ensure confidentiality. Tracey joined Big Brothers Big Sisters with a clear goal in mind: to be the mentor she wished she had growing up. Remembering how difficult it was not having a trusted adult to turn to, she was motivated to provide the guidance and support that could [...]
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