
True stories, Real people: Illustrated animations to ensure confidentiality.

Valerie’s journey as a mentor in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program showcases her dedication to providing a structured yet flexible environment for her mentee. At the beginning of each school year, they sit down together to plan out a variety of activities for the months ahead. This careful planning ensures every week is filled with something engaging and exciting, whether it’s painting, playing games, or baking. They also celebrate holidays with themed parties, complete with special lunches and occasional dress-up, making each occasion memorable.

For Valerie, the key to being a good mentor lies in listening and offering friendship. She believes in the importance of spending the first part of their meetings in open conversation, taking an interest in her mentee’s life and experiences. This approach not only builds trust but also strengthens their bond, turning simple activities into cherished moments.

One of the most rewarding aspects of her mentorship has been witnessing the thoughtful gestures from her mentee, such as personalized birthday cards and gifts. These tokens of appreciation, chosen with Valerie in mind, reflect the deep connection and impact they have had on each other’s lives.

Her advice to those considering mentorship emphasizes the importance of presence and engagement. Valerie points out that meaningful mentorship doesn’t require elaborate plans or activities; it’s about showing up, paying attention to the mentee’s interests, and being there for them. This commitment to simply being present underscores the essence of mentorship, proving that the most significant impact comes from the quality of time spent together, rather than the activities themselves.