True stories, Real people: Illustrated animations to ensure confidentiality.

Zoey joined Big Brothers Big Sisters with a strong desire to help children in any way possible. Her passion for working with kids and her preference for one-on-one interactions made the program a perfect fit. Zoey believes that the essential qualities of a good mentor are being kind, caring, a good listener, and empathetic.
One of the most rewarding moments in her mentoring journey was when her mentee expressed how happy she was to see Zoey each week and how much fun they had together. This heartfelt admission was a significant affirmation of the positive impact Zoey was making.
Zoey and her mentee enjoy painting and playing board games during their time together. Painting allows them to have fun and be creative, while the variety of board games keeps their meetings engaging. Zoey’s mentee especially enjoys the games because she loves to win.
For Zoey, the joy of seeing her mentee happy and excited each week highlights the importance and reward of being a mentor, reaffirming her commitment to making a positive difference in a child’s life.